Monday, December 10, 2012

Stop the Violence Rally Revised

This rally is to demand our elected officials to do something about the crimes and issues in Trenton and for a city lock-down. We are demanding stricter curfews and rules regarding loitering and being in large groups outside; specifically during after school and late night hours. Also to demand funding for recreational and educational venues and programs to get the youth involved in more positive things to lessen crimes in the city. The lock-down will be re-enforced by residents of Trenton wanting to protect their neighborhood by being more involved in the community and guiding our youth in a positive direction.
The City of Trenton is under-siege and we are calling the entire city and surrounding areas out to take a stand against the chaos and violence on our streets. We’re calling SORORITIES, FRATERNITIES, SCHOOLS, ORGANIZATION, DOMESTIC VIOLENCE VICTIMS, GUN VIOLENCE VICTIMS, BUSINESS OWNERS, PASTORS, PARENTS, YOUTH, and etc. because we are all affected by the state of our city. Keep your kids home from school, take off of work, bring your signs, pictures of lost ones, and t-shirts and make your voice be heard.
The protest will consist of a few speakers of youth on the many problems and heart wrenching issues in the city and how we are going to solve them. The change begins with you and this is the time for action so come be a part of the change our city desperately needs and find out what you can do to help.
Voices of Trenton

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